The Council and Transparency
The Council and Transparency
The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 came into effect on 1st April 2015. The code issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in exercise of powers under Section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980.
Wallingford Town Council meets the definition of a local authority covered by the requirements of the code, defined as ‘a parish council which has gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is higher) exceeding £200,000.
The code requires local authorities in England to publish the following information quarterly :
- Expenditure exceeding £500 (found on our Finance Page)
- Procurement Information
Additionally, local authorities are required to publish the following information annually :
- Local Authority Land
- Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
- Organisational Chart
- Senior Salaries
- Pay Multiple
Wallingford Town Council complies with the requirements of the code by publishing the information on this website. Hard copies are available on request from the Town Council Office email :
Community Grants
Contracts and Tenders
Please read the Council Standing Orders for details of contracts and financial regulations.
Wallingford Town Council Standing orders and Financial Regulations (please visit page 28/29 for Contracts)
Parking Spaces
Wallingford Town Council have 33 parking spaces in Castle Yard Car Park, Castle Street, Wallingford.
Permit holders pay a fee to the Council each year.
There is currently a waiting list for these spaces. If you are interested in one, please call the office on 01491 835373 or email:
Land and Buildings
View the Land and Buildings List Directly or download the list of Town Council Properties,
Council Team
The number of employees whose salary was at least £50,000 at 01/04/2024 was none.
View more information about the Council team, including a copy of the Team Organisational Chart