
How the Town Council is Funded

Town Council operations and services are primarily funded through the Council Tax paid by residents of Wallingford. Additional income is generated by the Town Council by the lease income of Council properties, the hire of venues and facilities, allotment and market rents. To view the charges for Council Facilities for 2024 to 2025, please view our Charges for Council Facilities.

Each year a budget setting process is undertaken over a period of several months, during which time the anticipated income and expenditure for the following year is calculated and reviewed by standing committees. The final budget is approved by Council each January and the figure required to be collected as part of the Council Tax – known as the Precept – is set by the Council.

About Council Tax

The Council tax paid by the residents of Wallingford is collected by South Oxfordshire District Council, and divided between both councils. The amount received by the Town Council is calculated each year by way of a budget setting process. This process takes into account the statutory commitments the Town Council has to its residents as well as upcoming projects and arrives at a figure known as the precept. Other income is generated by the Town Council in way of rental income, venue hire, allotment rents for example.

Information regarding Council Tax and the fund distribution to South Oxfordshire District Council, the Police Authority and the Fire and Rescue Authority can be found on your individual Council Tax bill or by visiting the Council Tax area of South Oxfordshire District Council’s website.

Wallingford Council Grants

Wallingford Town Council budgets a sum of money every year for grants to organisations and activities that contribute constructively to, and enhance the life and community of the town so as to benefit the people of Wallingford.  These grants are limited and are made available to organisations that address a demonstrable need for assistance Find out about the most recently awarded grants.


Wallingford Town Council’s annual return needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by the Public Sector Appointments Ltd. Any person interested has the right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit related.

For later versions of Town Council Accounts or for more information on any finance related matters, please contact Michelle Taylor – Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer on email : townclerk@wallingfordtowncouncil.gov.uk or call 01491 835373